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Ucchatar Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal-Delhi of Education


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उच्चतर माध्यमिक शिक्षा मंडल दिल्ली के वार्षिक प्रथम सत्र परीक्षा मार्च 2022 की परीक्षा तिथि उद्घोषित हो चुकी है ,नामांकित छात्र वेबसाइट से परीक्षा समय सारणी डाउनलोड कर लें ,अधिकृत A.I.सेंटर निर्धारित तिथियों को परीक्षा सञ्चालन सुनिश्चित करें ,कोरोना के प्रभाव के कारण सुरक्षा हेतू परीक्षा ओपन बुक माध्यम

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About Board

Ucchatar Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal-Delhi of Education under the Guidelines of National Education policy 1986 Govt. of india. and programe of action 1992 Govt. of India. It has been Constituted to Regulate non formal Primary, Middle, Secondary (10th ),Higher Secondary (12th ), Education and other Vocational courses ( Under Self Employment Education Scheme) in India . With the help of Educational Experts to Educate un Educated Boys, Girls, Men and Women to Uplift ment the literacy in india. So that they can serve Society Effectively and with dignity . Board may impart Education with International Techniques and with stress on Morally, Mentally, Physically and Socially Personality.

Ucchatar Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal-Delhi of Education under the guidelines of National Education Policy 1986 Govt. of india. and Programe of action 1992 Govt. of India. It has been Constituted to Regulate non formal Primary, Middle, Secondary (10th ), Higher Secondary (12th ).

It has been Constituted to Regulate non formal Primary, Middle, Secondary (10th ),Higher Secondary (12th ), Education and other vocational courses ( Under Self Employment Education Scheme) in India . With the help of Educational Experts to Educate un Educated boys, Girls, Men and Women to Uplift ment the literacy in india.

It also provides, various life enrichment courses, in diffirent ealegoties Other imovative features of Ucchatar Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal-Delhi (UMSM).

So that they can serve society effectively and with dignity . Board may impart education with international techniques and with stress on morally, mentally, physically and socially personality. Ours is an autonomous body and all educational boards / universities are autonomous bodies. Each educational organization having discretionary powers . According these powers every board / university / state Govts. / Central Govt. of India having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission / service. But we do our best to make success the non formal education proggrame . All the education proggrame run by the board is board’s own autonomous education proggrame. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education proggrame is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1)G, 29 & 30.

Ucchatar Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal-Delhi (UMSM) is fast emerging as a powerful instrument of policy Intervention for the State Govt. for not only, in helping in Universalisation School Education. but also for ensuring access, equity & qwality in it along with mainstreaming of marginalised communities and there by “Reaching the unriched” It has immense potential and code to help the state in reaping the “Demographic Dividend” efectivety by tronsforming unskilled & Semi-skilled work force of Uttar Pradesh into skilled and valuable human resource, through distance learning mode UMSM holds tremendous possibilities for providing relevent event and new market driven skill sets to youth op Uttar Pradesh and also to up scate their exiting skill base. UMSM has already emerged as a nodal Agency for the state in this regard and is in the orocces of forgiving new collaboration & partnership with leading players in different sector of trade & industry. UMSM is uniquely poised to service, from its vast and varied bouquet of courses of study, subjects, training packeges and Instructional materials to satisfy the pneeds of it`s diverse client groups.